
  • facemask,  Korean Skincare,  skincare

    Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

    The Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask is another goody that was included in the Gothamista collaboration with Wishtrend (read my post on the Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream here)and I’m so glad I had the chance to try it. Beauty products always appeal when they have a bit of a novelty factor and this mask has a cool texture that certainly fills that brief. It looks and feels like some kind of chilled pudding; by that I mean it’s bouncy and light and sort of like a thick baked custard that breaks apart and melts when you smooth it on the skin. It’s an awesome censorial experience that makes…

  • facemask,  Korean Skincare,  skincare

    Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

    The Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask is another goody that was included in the Gothamista collaboration with Wishtrend (read my post on the Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream here)and I’m so glad I had the chance to try it. Beauty products always appeal when they have a bit of a novelty factor and this mask has a cool texture that certainly fills that brief. It looks and feels like some kind of chilled pudding; by that I mean it’s bouncy and light and sort of like a thick baked custard that breaks apart and melts when you smooth it on the skin. It’s an awesome censorial experience that makes…

  • face masks,  facemask,  joik,  natural,  skincare

    Joik Chocolate Facial Mask

    I found Joik on LoveLula the other night and my eyes were immediately drawn to the candles (crème brulee, apple glogg etc) and this little beauty – the Chocolate Facial Mask. I’ve not experienced the whole chocolate-on-face thing (intentionally anyway) since Lush introduced their Cupcake facemask and figured it was about time. Besides, I like chocolate and I like putting things on my face, so why not combine the two eh? The Joik Chocolate Facial Mask is designed to rejuvenate and tighten tired and stressed out skin and contains: Rhassoul Clay – A natural Moroccan lava clay to absorb oil, sort out impurities, tone and rejuvenate Milk Powder – To…

  • face masks,  facemask,  joik,  natural,  skincare

    Joik Chocolate Facial Mask

    I found Joik on LoveLula the other night and my eyes were immediately drawn to the candles (crème brulee, apple glogg etc) and this little beauty – the Chocolate Facial Mask. I’ve not experienced the whole chocolate-on-face thing (intentionally anyway) since Lush introduced their Cupcake facemask and figured it was about time. Besides, I like chocolate and I like putting things on my face, so why not combine the two eh? The Joik Chocolate Facial Mask is designed to rejuvenate and tighten tired and stressed out skin and contains: Rhassoul Clay – A natural Moroccan lava clay to absorb oil, sort out impurities, tone and rejuvenate Milk Powder – To…

  • face masks,  facemask,  magicstripes,  skincare

    Magicstripes Lifting Collagen Mask

    I’ve reviewed the Magicstripes eye strips recently and now I’ve had the opportunity to try another one of a kind beauty innovation from the brand – the Lifting Collagen Mask.  As you can see, this is a very unique face mask! The Magicstripes Lifting Collagen Mask is a cloth ‘hydrogel’ mask that you wear on your jaw like a sling (as you would if you had somehow broken your chin) so it can get to work targeting the jawline. The mask is infused with a cocktail of collagen, caffeine, Vitamins C and E, Macadamia Nut Oil and water and aims to define the facial contours, lift and streamline the area…

  • face masks,  facemask,  magicstripes,  skincare

    Magicstripes Lifting Collagen Mask

    I’ve reviewed the Magicstripes eye strips recently and now I’ve had the opportunity to try another one of a kind beauty innovation from the brand – the Lifting Collagen Mask.  As you can see, this is a very unique face mask! The Magicstripes Lifting Collagen Mask is a cloth ‘hydrogel’ mask that you wear on your jaw like a sling (as you would if you had somehow broken your chin) so it can get to work targeting the jawline. The mask is infused with a cocktail of collagen, caffeine, Vitamins C and E, Macadamia Nut Oil and water and aims to define the facial contours, lift and streamline the area…