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Monday 14 October 2024

Nail Care Tips you Need to Know

 (Collaborative Post)

Let’s be honest: we all want nails that look like we’ve just stepped out of a salon – without the constant threat of smudging them five minutes later, or worse, chipping them on the car door as we leave. Whether you're a die-hard nail art fan or just trying to keep things neat and tidy, keeping your nails in tip-top shape doesn't have to be as hard as it seems. Here are some quick and effective tips to keep those claws in check.

Hydration is Key (And Not Just for Your Skin)

Everyone bangs on about drinking water for glowing skin, but your nails need a bit of moisture, too. No, this doesn’t mean dunking your hands in a glass of H2O. Get yourself a good cuticle oil (and actually use it). Apply it regularly to avoid that dried-out, jagged cuticle situation that makes your hands look like you’ve been digging in the garden – with your bare hands. Your nails will thank you by looking healthier and less prone to breakage.

Trim, Buff, Repeat

There’s a reason nail salons spend ages buffing away: it works. Buffing your nails not only smooths them out but also boosts circulation to the nail bed, which helps your nails grow stronger. Plus, it feels oddly satisfying. Just don’t go overboard or you’ll file away more nail than intended – you’re not trying to launch a new minimalist trend here. Trim your nails regularly, too. Long nails are great, but if they're more ‘witchy claw’ than chic, it's time for a little snip.

Nail Polish: Friend or Foe?

We love nail polish as much as the next person, but take it easy. Your nails need the occasional breather. Constantly wearing polish without a break can leave them yellowed, brittle, and looking a bit worse for wear – like they’ve been on a two-week bender. Give them a polish-free holiday every now and then, and they’ll stay stronger and healthier for it.

Builder Gels: Your Secret Weapon (But Don’t Go Overboard)

For those of us whose nails snap at the mere sight of a keyboard, builder gels can be a lifesaver. They add that bit of strength without making you feel like you’re wearing a suit of armour on your fingers. But a word of caution – builder gels are not an excuse to see how many heavy-duty chores you can get away with. Treat them nicely, and they’ll keep your nails looking flawless for weeks.

File In One Direction (Not The Band)

This one’s important: stop sawing your nails back and forth like you're trying to start a campfire. That only weakens the nail and invites splitting. File in one direction for a smooth edge and stronger nails – unless you want to accidentally create a few jagged corners to catch on your jumper. If so, saw away, my friend.

Gloves Are Your New BFF

We get it, gloves aren’t the most glamorous of accessories, but when it comes to household chores, they’re essential. Washing dishes or scrubbing floors without gloves is basically asking for dry, brittle nails that scream neglect. Pop on a pair of rubber gloves and save your hands – and your nails – from a cleaning-induced breakdown.

Nail It!

Thursday 26 September 2024

How to Try Out a New Look

 (Collaborative Post)

Whether you’re looking to feel happier in your own skin or want to boost your confidence, trying out a new look is a great starting point.

However, if you’ve been rocking the same clothes, make-up and hairstyle for some time, it can be difficult to know where to begin - which is where this guide can come in handy. 

Seek out some inspiration. The first step toward pulling off a new look is to have an idea in mind of what you are aiming for. This means that you can then take inspiration pictures to your hairdresser or have a specific aesthetic in mind when shopping for new clothes. Pinterest is a great place to start, though you may also be inspired by your Instagram feed!

Try out coloured contact. Wearing different coloured contacts, such as brown contact lenses, is a relatively easy yet impactful way to change up your appearance. Furthermore, when cared for correctly, these lenses can last up to you for a year! 

Start with a fresh canvas. Whether you’re going to amp up your makeup game by starting to wear brighter, bolder colours or you’re going for a more stripped-back look, giving yourself a fresh canvas to work is always advisable. This means that you may want to spend some time perfecting your skincare routine so that you can restore a natural, youthful glow. By removing blemishes or dryness, your makeup will always look clean and professional. 

Change your hairstyle. Changing your hairstyle is another great way to change your appearance. However, this does not necessarily mean you need to reach for those scissors. For example, you may want to try styling your hair in a slightly different way - such as by trying out a slick back bun if you usually wear your hair down. If you’re looking for a bolder transition, consider dying your hair.

Try colour analysis. Whether you’re buying new outfits or trying to decide what colour eyeshadow suits you best, getting a colour analysis can prove to be incredibly useful. This will help you to figure out which shades and tones complement your complexion the most so that you’ll start to feel much more confident in your appearance. 

Consider shopping second-hand. One of the biggest challenges associated with trying out a new look is having enough money to do so. After all, it could mean that you’re looking to replenish your entire wardrobe, which can quickly get expensive. However, you can save money on this task by shopping second-hand.

For example, you could start by browsing online reselling groups, such as Facebook Marketplace, Vinted, and Depop. Here, you can search for specific items and designers, meaning that you may be able to get your hands on high-end items for an incredibly low price.

Alternatively, you could browse local charity shops for clothes that match your desired aesthetic. This way, you’re saving a considerable amount of money while also supporting a good cause! Remember, you can also tailor items that arne’t in your size!

Saturday 31 August 2024

Incredibly Affordable Retinol Products from Biovène

Have you heard of Biovène Barcelona? This cruelty free beauty brand is all about effective formulas at accessible price points and these two retinol products have made want to try more from the brand.

The *Retinol Night Lift Power Tightening Night Cream is formulated with Retinol, and Strawberry and Cherry extracts to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, brighten, and fight free radicals.

The *Retinol and Squalane Serum is a blend of nourishing Squalane and 1% Retinol, designed to promote elasticity and collagen production, brighten dark spots, smooth wrinkles and fine lines and combat blemishes.

Both products have a luxurious texture and are a real pleasure to use, but the serum is my pick of the two and it sits beautifully under a thick night cream.

Results I've noticed so far after around 6 weeks of using the serum consistently every night include softer skin and a slight reduction in the pigmentation on my forehead that I've had since pregnancy. It's also worth mentioning that the hormonal spots I get on my chin and cheeks every month have disappeared a lot faster than usual.
In fact, now that I think about it, my skin is clearer in general than it has been in a long while. I've never really had much of an issue with pimples or very visible black heads, until recent months when I had noticed a bit of an increase in congestion and spots. It may be coincidence, and my skin has settled down on its own, or it could be down to the Biovène serum. Either way, I'm pretty happy with the overall texture and clarity of my complexion at this moment, so I'm inclined to purchase a bottle once this one runs out. As if mentioned, I've used it consistently every night, so it's worth noting that this has not irritated my skin at all - maybe a little sting when applied immediately after cleansing at the beginning, when I first started using it, but now it just feels like applying, say, a hyaluronic acid serum or something else that doesn't traditionally irritate. I guess my skin likes the mix of Retinol and Squalane?
The cream retails for £14.99 and the serum at £5.99 for 50ml and 30ml respectively. I'm actually delighted to find a retinol product I like for £5.99! Incredibly affordable and certainly worth a try. Find them at Morrison's, Just My Look and


Monday 13 May 2024

Ultra Violette SPF 50 Daydream Screen

 (affiliate links)

 Ultra Violette came to the UK market a couple of years ago now and if you’re an avid reader of beauty blogs in general, you’re probably already familiar with the Australian brand. They’ve trademarked the term ‘Skinscreen’, which is a combination of skincare and sunscreen and a concept I am very much here for.

Ultra Violette have plenty of SPF and related products available but as I’m about to finish my Chanel tinted moisturiser and wanted a tinted high protection SPF, my first experience with the brand comes in the form of this: The Daydream Screen Tinted Veil.

I went for a colour match in Space NK and was matched to V2, which seems to suit my complexion pretty well though I have a feeling it’s going to look a little pale come summer. The colour spectrum for this product is actually quite good – it’s good to see the darkest shade is designed to blend into actual dark skin, not white-person-with-a-tan-dark.

The formula is lightweight, almost serum-like, but buildable, so you can customise how much coverage you would like. On application, Daydream blends in nicely and, although it feels slightly tacky and ‘sunscreeny’ at first, it does end up feeling pretty weightless once it settles. The fragrance free formula contains plant-derived Pentivitin (Saccharide Isomerate), a hydrating extract that boosts skin’s hydration levels and protects against environmental damage. The SPF is also free from Silicone, Oils and Alcohol.

This product makes my skin look healthy and even with a little bit of a glow and I would certainly wear it after the sun goes down too as my make up base. There's no pilling or rolling and I didn't notice any obvious separation, though I confess I didn't scrutinise it with a magnifying mirror or anything like that.

Even though it offers broad spectrum SPF50 UVA and UVB protection, Ultra Violette recommend to not rely on Daydream alone for your sun protection. In fact, it’s designed as a secondary sunscreen/makeup hybrid to apply after your daily sunscreen. I wish I had researched a little more before I purchased because I was after an SPF with a bit of a tint, not a skin tint with SPF, if you know what I mean. Applying a ¼ teaspoon of Daydream to your face would not result in a barely-there-glowing look and would probably even feel a little uncomfortable on the skin so it does make sense when you look at it that way. It’s worth mentioning that I really like the bottle – it’s nice and soft, easy to squeeze, with a narrow nozzle that delivers a custom amount of product.

As a side note, the box of the SPF says SPF 50+ Daydream Screen Tinted Veil while the bottle says SPF 50 Dream Screen Tinted Veil. I’m not sure why there is a discrepancy there, it’s just something I noticed!

I bought my bottle of Ultra Violette SPF 50 Dream Screen Tinted Veil from Space NK for £38 for 50ml.

3 Alternative, Natural Ways to Look After Your Skin

Collaborative post

Everyone wants their skin to look and feel as nice as possible, but they often don’t know what they’re doing. A skincare routine can be great, but many products can be filled with chemicals people mightn’t want to use.

If you want to look after your skin while avoiding any harmful ingredients and chemicals, you could feel like you don’t have many options. Thankfully, there are more than a few things you could do. Three of these can help a lot more than you’d think.

Look After Your Skin: 3 Alternative, Natural Ways

1. Hydrate Often

One of the best things you can do for your skin is to make sure you’re as hydrated as possible. Dehydration leads to more than a few issues with your skin, with dry patches just being the tip of the iceberg. It’s worth avoiding these as much as you can.

At least seven or eight glasses of water a day is recommended. If you exercise regularly, then you’ll need much more than this. You shouldn’t have to go out of your way to do this, so you’ve no reason not to drink enough water every day.

2. Control Your Stress Levels

Stress plays a large role in how you feel, but it can have an impact on how your skin looks, too. It’s worth cutting down on this as much as you can, and there are plenty of ways you can do that. If you’re taking medical cannabis or CBD, then lowering your stress levels could be a welcome side effect.

There’s also yoga, meditation, and more than a few similar techniques. The better you’re able to deal with your stress, the better your skin should look. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t put some time and effort into it.

3. Cut Down On Fast Food

Fast food is more popular than ever, despite the fact it can be unhealthy for you. This doesn’t just affect your health, however, and obesity is far from the only thing you risk by eating it a lot. It can also have a serious impact on your skin and how it looks.

It’ll make your skin look greasy, and it can even lead to minor skin irritations when eaten too much. Cut down on this as much as you can to avoid that. You’ll also help with your overall health, so you’ve no reason not to cut down on it or avoid it completely.

Look After Your Skin: Wrapping Up

Trying to look after your skin can feel like a chore at the best of times, but it can be more confusing when you’re trying to avoid harmful ingredients and chemicals. Thankfully, this doesn’t need to be as complicated as you could think.

By using a few particular strategies, you shouldn’t have a problem doing this. While it can still take a little time, it shouldn’t be as confusing or as complicated as you could think. You’ll have healthy skin that looks and feels great before you know it.