Tuesday 10 January 2023

January Survival Tips: Simple Ways To Boost Your Mood

(collaborative post) 

 January can be a tough month. After the thrills and spills of the Christmas period, it’s back to normal life with a thud. If you find the long, dark days difficult, or you need a little boost to stay energised and motivated, we’ve put together some simple tips to lift your mood this winter.


It’s that time of year when the shelves are filled with healthy products and every advert on the TV seems to be promoting gyms, exercise classes or fitness equipment. Many people start the year with intentions to up their activity levels, but it can be hard to muster up the energy to go to the gym or get your bike out when it’s cold and wet outside or you’re tired. Exercise may seem like the last thing you want to do if it’s raining and miserable, or you’ve had a long day, but it’s a surefire means of making yourself feel better. Even if you only have 20 minutes free, you’ll benefit from moving your body. Walking, cycling, jogging, doing fitness classes, dancing, working out at home, playing sports and doing outdoor activities are hugely beneficial for your physical and mental health. You might struggle towards the end of a run or a training session, but after you’ve finished, you’ll feel energised and more content. Exercise releases endorphins, reduces stress and aids sleep. Seek advice about exercise and training plans that are suitable for your health status and fitness level. 

Supplements and natural remedies

It’s very common for people to feel a little low, lethargic or sluggish during the period after Christmas. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is essential for optimum mental health and it can help you to maintain high levels of energy, but it can also be beneficial to add supplements or natural remedies like Delta 9 THC gummies to your diet. With any supplement or product, it’s wise to consult your doctor or a health expert for advice, especially if you have underlying health conditions or you are already taking medication. There are lots of natural products you can use to help you to relax and feel calmer, increase energy levels and lower stress levels. 

Spending time outside

Most of us love to get out and about in the summer, but it can be tempting to curl up inside and hibernate during the winter. Studies show that spending time outside is a natural mood booster and it can help to combat stress and make you feel more alert. There are lots of ways to enjoy beauty spots like parks, forests, lakes and beaches. You can take a gentle stroll, go hiking, cycling or mountain biking, or try your hand at outdoor pursuits like climbing, open-water swimming and kayaking. Make sure you wrap up warm and take plenty of water and healthy snacks with you. 

Picture from https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-doing-hand-heart-sign-1535244/

January is often a difficult month. It seems to last forever, the weather is miserable and many of us are on a mission to save money after the festive period. To get through winter, it’s important to take good care of yourself and be proactive in boosting your mood. Exercise regularly, eat well, consider adding supplements to your diet and spend time outside.

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