Sunday 7 April 2013

Beauty Obsession: Emilia Clarke

Game of Thrones is back for it's third season and it's already ruining my life again. How does HBO expect me to wait a whole WEEK between episodes of magical, ultra-violent dragon and nudity filled sword-wielding goodness?
I just love this show and I have a crush on virtually all of the male leads and a lady-crush on one white haired  beauty in particular - Daenerys Targaryen, aka Emilia Clarke.

I don't usually go for blondes (or women) but there's something so utterly special about this girl that I wanted to devote an entire blog post to her face.

Whether she's playing ethereal Dragon Princess Daenerys in Game or Thrones...

Or in her natural state as a brunette beauty...
There's no denying that this girl is a bona fide stunner, kicking beauty goals all over the place.

The 'Old Hollywood' maekup look is starting to become her beauty signature.This look is super simple to achieve and looks ultra glamorous. All you need is a decent liquid eye liner and a slick of red lipstick.

This look is probably my favourite to date. She looks uber elegant and I'm loving the subtle smoky eye with blue tones blended in to match her dress. This picture is testament to the transformational effect of a good pair of hair straighteners.

Whether she's hanging out with dragons as Daenerys or vamping it up on the red carpet, Emila Clarke is an English Rose indeed.
Do you watch Game of Thrones?

Thanks for reading :)


  1. Hey great blog, I havent seen game of thrones but keep meaning to catch it, definitely worth a watch? Yep this girl is a stunner- has than no make up make up look down to a T - damn it :-)

    1. Yes! watch, watch watch! No make up make up= possibly the most difficult look to achieve :-0

  2. She is definitely a stunner, so beautiful! I don't have sky so I wait for them to come out on DVD, Jon snow is my fave guy haha! X

    1. Jon Snow is incredible! I don't have Sky either. I *ahem* download it x

  3. Woah, she really is stunning! I love Daenerys as a character as well.

  4. Completely agree game of thrones rocks my world. So hard having to wait a week! She looks so different in real life but still so gorgeous! My fav character was ned stark :(
