Friday 24 February 2012

Sephora Body Treats = Good Enough To Eat

So my sister and I recently tagged along on my brother and his girlfriend's romantic getaway (sorry guys) to Bruges.
I was super excited about getting out of London and obviously couldn't wait to wrap my lips around some proper Belgian chocolate, but then I realised something even more exciting:

In order to get from England to Belgium, we'd have to drive through Calais. Calais is in France. What else is in France? Sephora is in France!

I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I was a touch more excited about popping in to Sephora on the way to Bruges than I was about...err...Bruges.

The store we visited was tiny - not exactly the image of Sephora I had conjured up in my mind, but it was a Sephora all the same, and having never visited one before, my heart still did a little flip when I walked through the doors.

Being on a bit of a tight time schedule, I didn't have time to play with everything in there, so I avoided the hypnotic gaze of Dior, Yves Saint Laurent and Clarins, and made a bee line for the products I can't get my mitts on in the uk - Sephora's own line of body and bath products.

My brother's girlfriend, Alison and I drinking warm apple wine in Bruges

Proper Belgian hot chocolate!

My sister and I drinking Belgian beer...and coke.
As many already know, I am partial to (obsessed with) bath and body goodies that smell chocolatey, cakey, dessertey and sugarey. Basically, if there's a lotion that smells like something you might enjoy after dinner, I want to slather myself in it. Unless it's cheese, of course.

In keeping true to my tastes, I was immediately drawn to the Chocolate Praline and Creme Brulee ranges at Sephora.
Sephora chocolate praline products
Everything from the store's own brand was on sale for 1 or 2 Euro, so I could justify picking up a few souvenirs:

Shampoo in Vanilla Creme Brulee

Shampoo in Chocolate Praline

These shampoos make washing my hair that little bit more fun thanks to their deliciously sweet fragrances that really come out when I lather up!

Body Lotions in Chocolate Praline & Vanilla Creme Brulee

The lotions are heavily fragranced, non greasy and super quickly absorbed. The Vanilla Creme Brulee lotion is lovely - I think fans of Laura Mercier's Creme Brulee Body Souffle would really like this - while the Chocolate Praline one smells exactly like what it claims to!

Body Scrub in Chocolate Praline

Strongly scented and good for the skin, the scrub contains sugar granules and loofah to buff away dead scells and leave you smelling like you've just paid Willy Wonka a visit :)

So my maiden voyage to Sephora may have been fleeting, but the place has definitely gained a fan as far as I'm concerned! If you're venturing to a Sephora soon, I really recommend snapping up one of the body lotions - I apply mine in the morning after my shower and the scent lasts all day, and makes my clothes smell stupidly sweet too. If you don't fancy smelling like cadburys or a French patisserie, there are plenty of fruity and floral scents in the Sephora collection too!

Thanks for reading as always :)

Sweet Dreams!

Hannah Rose xxx


  1. I'm a sucker for sweet foodie scents too. Also love philosophy's line of dessert scented products. You got yourself a deal there. Chocolate praline and creme brulee lotions sound scrumptious.

    1. I'm a massive Philosophy fan - just about to run out of Eggnog body wash :(

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