Thursday 24 November 2011

Lipstick I Love: Collection Volume Sensation Lipstick

Hello beautiful people! Now I know that I recently featured this lipstick in a recent post but I've become so impressed with it I thought it deserved a post of its own!

I'm an avid believer in the power of the red lip and have been sporting one at work everyday in an effort to appear at least a little bit groomed and ladylike. I work in a well known indpendent book shop and one of the lovely things about my job is that we don't really have a dress code so we're free to express our personal style (to a degree of course!) so I like to do strange things with my hair and wear fabulous lipstick. I switch between shades and brands but in the past week something strange has happened - three different customers have complimented me on my lipstick and each time I've been wearing the same one - Collection 2000 Volume Sensation Lipstick in Cherry Pop. Two very nice ladies asked me where they could find it and were gobsmacked when I told them it was £2.99 at Boots or Superdrug :)

I've found it to be a really wearable colour - Cherry Pop is vibrant, densely pigmented and Christmas perfect. On top of this, it sort of stains my lips a bit, and is quite difficult to wipe off, surely a good thing when lipstick is concerned?

in the tube...

on my lips :o
I put it on before I leave the house and usually don't need to re-apply until my break, especially if I've put a cheeky layer of Lipcote over the top.

Cherry Pop is my pick, but it's also available in the following shades: Forever Heather, Perfect Pink, Ruby Red, Plum Perfection, Pretty Please, Sugar Pink, Hot Chocolate, Grape Glitz, Sea Shell and Peachy Keen.

P.S. Next on my Collection 2000 to-try list? Cream Puff lip creams - the name alone has caught the attention of my very sweet tooth :)


  1. ooh that colour looks beautiful! i'm always on the hunt for a perfect red, think I'll be checking this out next time i'm in town!
    And Lipcote is amazing! x

  2. Hey Ruby, it's lovely isn't it! Thoroughly recommended. I'm a new Lipcote user and I really like it but find it tastes a bit icky - though I know it's not meant to be eaten hehe x

  3. Hello! its Lally, Josh said you couldn't see me on your list, I've changed it so now I'm following you publicly!
    Love this lippy, amazing colour.

    Lally X

  4. This colour really suits you! It looks really cute!


  5. Oooooh, I just purchased this lippy today! Haven't worn red for years but felt inspired by the 1920's glamour whilst watching repeats of Poirot! ;)
    Ah well it's better than twiddling my tash monsieur!
    The colour looks stunning on you, VERY GLAM MA'AM! ;O
